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hoard (verb)

  • 1 hoard

    hoard [hɔ:d]
    1. noun
    réserves fpl ; (pejorative) stock m (pej) ; ( = treasure) trésor m
    [+ food] stocker ; [+ money] amasser
    * * *
    [hɔːd] 1.
    noun ( of treasure) trésor m; ( of provisions) provisions fpl; ( of miser) magot (colloq) m
    transitive verb [person] stocker [supplies] also pej; amasser [objects, money]; [animal] amasser [food]

    English-French dictionary > hoard

  • 2 hoard

    hoard [hɔ:d]
    1 noun
    (of goods) réserve f, provisions fpl; (of money) trésor m, magot m;
    he has a whole hoard of stories il a une réserve d'histoires assez extraordinaire
    (goods) faire provision ou des réserves de, stocker; (money) amasser, thésauriser
    faire des réserves, stocker

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > hoard

  • 3 hoard

    1. noun
    (a (sometimes hidden) store (of treasure, food etc): When she was supposed to be on a diet she secretly kept a hoard of potato crisps in a cupboard.) provisión

    2. verb
    (to store up or keep large quantities of (something), often in secret: His mother told him to stop hoarding old newspapers.) amontonar, guardar, almacenar
    hoard1 n reserva secreta
    hoard2 vb acaparar / acumular
    1 (provisions) reserva
    2 (money) tesoro escondido
    1 (objects) acumular, amontonar
    2 (money) atesorar
    hoard ['hord] vt
    : acumular, atesorar
    : tesoro m, reserva f, provisión f
    acumulación s.f.
    cúmulo s.m.
    provisión s.f.
    tesoro s.m.
    tesoro escondido s.m.
    acaparar v.
    achocar v.
    acumular en secreto v.
    ahuchar v.
    almacenar v.
    amontonar v.
    atesorar v.
    hɔːrd, hɔːd
    noun ( of food) reserva f

    transitive verb acumular, juntar; ( anticipating a shortage) acaparar

    vi acaparar
    N (=treasure) tesoro m ; (=stockpile) provisión f

    hoards of money *montones mpl de dinero

    2. VT
    1) (also: hoard up) (=accumulate) amontonar, acumular; [+ money] atesorar
    2) (=keep) guardar
    * * *
    [hɔːrd, hɔːd]
    noun ( of food) reserva f

    transitive verb acumular, juntar; ( anticipating a shortage) acaparar

    vi acaparar

    English-spanish dictionary > hoard

  • 4 hoard

    1. noun
    1) (store laid by) Vorrat, der

    make/collect a hoard of something — etwas horten

    2) (fig.): (amassed stock) Sammlung, die
    2. transitive verb

    hoard [up] — horten [Geld, Brennmaterial, Lebensmittel usw.]; hamstern [Lebensmittel]

    * * *
    [ho:d] 1. noun
    (a (sometimes hidden) store (of treasure, food etc): When she was supposed to be on a diet she secretly kept a hoard of potato crisps in a cupboard.) der Vorrat
    2. verb
    (to store up or keep large quantities of (something), often in secret: His mother told him to stop hoarding old newspapers.) horten
    - academic.ru/35108/hoarder">hoarder
    * * *
    [hɔ:d, AM hɔ:rd]
    I. n (of money, food) Vorrat m (of an + dat); (treasure) Schatz m
    \hoard [of weapons] Waffenlager nt
    II. vt
    to \hoard sth etw horten; food also etw hamstern
    III. vi Vorräte anlegen
    * * *
    1. n
    Vorrat m; (= treasure) Schatz m

    hoard of moneySchatz m, gehortetes Geld

    2. vt
    food etc hamstern; money, supplies, weapons horten; information zusammentragen
    * * *
    hoard [hɔː(r)d; US auch həʊrd]
    A s
    a) Hort m, Schatz m
    b) Vorrat m (of an dat)
    B v/t auch hoard up horten, hamstern
    C v/i hamstern, sich Vorräte anlegen
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) (store laid by) Vorrat, der

    make/collect a hoard of something — etwas horten

    2) (fig.): (amassed stock) Sammlung, die
    2. transitive verb

    hoard [up] — horten [Geld, Brennmaterial, Lebensmittel usw.]; hamstern [Lebensmittel]

    * * *
    Schatz -¨e m.
    Vorrat -¨e m. v.
    anhäufen v.
    hamstern v.
    horten v.
    sich Vorräte anlegen ausdr.

    English-german dictionary > hoard

  • 5 hoard

    ho:d 1. noun
    (a (sometimes hidden) store (of treasure, food etc): When she was supposed to be on a diet she secretly kept a hoard of potato crisps in a cupboard.) forråd; skjult skatt
    2. verb
    (to store up or keep large quantities of (something), often in secret: His mother told him to stop hoarding old newspapers.) hamstre, samle, skjule
    subst. \/hɔːd\/
    1) (oppsamlet) forråd, (oppsamlet, skjult) lager, hamstringslager
    2) unnagjemt skatt
    3) ( arkeologi) depotfunn
    a hoard of anecdotes et rikt lager av historier
    a hoard of facts en stor samling fakta
    verb \/hɔːd\/
    1) lagre, hamstre, samle (i lader), legge på kistebunnen
    2) ( økonomi) samle, spare
    3) ( overført) gjemme, forvare i sitt hjerte, bære med seg
    hoard up hamstre, legge opp forråd

    English-Norwegian dictionary > hoard

  • 6 hoard

    I [hɔːd]
    nome (of treasure) gruzzolo m.; (of provisions) scorte f.pl.
    II [hɔːd]
    1) [ person] accumulare [ supplies] (anche spreg.); [ animal] accumulare, ammucchiare [ food]

    to hoard moneyspreg. ammucchiare soldi

    * * *
    [ho:d] 1. noun
    (a (sometimes hidden) store (of treasure, food etc): When she was supposed to be on a diet she secretly kept a hoard of potato crisps in a cupboard.) scorta
    2. verb
    (to store up or keep large quantities of (something), often in secret: His mother told him to stop hoarding old newspapers.) accumulare
    * * *
    1. n
    (of food) provviste fpl, scorta, (of money) gruzzolo
    2. vt
    (also: hoard up) (provisions) fare incetta or provvista di, (money) ammonticchiare, (old newspapers) accumulare
    * * *
    hoard /hɔ:d/
    1 ammasso; mucchio ( anche di denaro); cumulo ( anche di fatti)
    2 gruzzolo; tesoro
    3 (fig.) miniera di fatti, di notizie
    4 (fig.) scorta; provvista.
    NOTA D'USO: - hoard o horde?- (to) hoard /hɔ:d/
    v. t. e i.
    1 ( anche to hoard up) ammassare; ammucchiare; accumulare; accaparrare; fare incetta di: to hoard riches, ammassare ricchezze
    2 (econ.) tesaurizzare: to hoard gold, tesaurizzare oro
    to hoard everything, conservare tutto; non gettare via nulla.
    * * *
    I [hɔːd]
    nome (of treasure) gruzzolo m.; (of provisions) scorte f.pl.
    II [hɔːd]
    1) [ person] accumulare [ supplies] (anche spreg.); [ animal] accumulare, ammucchiare [ food]

    to hoard moneyspreg. ammucchiare soldi

    English-Italian dictionary > hoard

  • 7 hoard

    [ho:d] 1. noun
    (a (sometimes hidden) store (of treasure, food etc): When she was supposed to be on a diet she secretly kept a hoard of potato crisps in a cupboard.) forråd; lager
    2. verb
    (to store up or keep large quantities of (something), often in secret: His mother told him to stop hoarding old newspapers.) oplagre
    * * *
    [ho:d] 1. noun
    (a (sometimes hidden) store (of treasure, food etc): When she was supposed to be on a diet she secretly kept a hoard of potato crisps in a cupboard.) forråd; lager
    2. verb
    (to store up or keep large quantities of (something), often in secret: His mother told him to stop hoarding old newspapers.) oplagre

    English-Danish dictionary > hoard

  • 8 hoard

    1. v запасать; копить; накапливать
    2. v тайно хранить; припрятывать
    Синонимический ряд:
    1. accumulation (noun) accumulation; agglomeration; aggregation; amassment; collection; colluvies; conglomeration; cumulation; trove
    2. riches (noun) cache; mass; riches; supply; treasure; wealth
    3. stock (noun) backlog; inventory; nest egg; reserve; reservoir; stock; stockpile; store
    4. accumulate (verb) accumulate; amass; collect; save up; stockpile
    5. stash (verb) acquire; lay up; save; squirrel; stash; stock-pile; stow; treasure
    Антонимический ряд:

    English-Russian base dictionary > hoard

  • 9 hoard

    [ho:d] 1. noun
    (a (sometimes hidden) store (of treasure, food etc): When she was supposed to be on a diet she secretly kept a hoard of potato crisps in a cupboard.) (skrita) zaloga
    2. verb
    (to store up or keep large quantities of (something), often in secret: His mother told him to stop hoarding old newspapers.) spravljati
    * * *
    zaloga, prihranki, zaklad; plural zaloge zlata (v banki);
    transitive verb & intransitive verb
    kopičiti (up), zbirati, založiti se s hrano, blagom; tezavrirati; nositi v srcu, gojiti

    English-Slovenian dictionary > hoard

  • 10 hoard

    kincs to hoard: felvásárol
    * * *
    [ho:d] 1. noun
    (a (sometimes hidden) store (of treasure, food etc): When she was supposed to be on a diet she secretly kept a hoard of potato crisps in a cupboard.) (titkos) készlet
    2. verb
    (to store up or keep large quantities of (something), often in secret: His mother told him to stop hoarding old newspapers.) felhalmoz

    English-Hungarian dictionary > hoard

  • 11 hoard

    [ho:d] 1. noun
    (a (sometimes hidden) store (of treasure, food etc): When she was supposed to be on a diet she secretly kept a hoard of potato crisps in a cupboard.) reserva
    2. verb
    (to store up or keep large quantities of (something), often in secret: His mother told him to stop hoarding old newspapers.) acumular
    * * *
    [hɔ:d] n mealheiro, reserva (escondida), acúmulo de artigos às escondidas. • vt acumular, ajuntar, amontoar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > hoard

  • 12 hoard

    1. noun
    запас, скрытые запасы продовольствия и т. п.; что-л. накопленное, припрятанное
    2. verb
    запасать; копить, накоплять, хранить (часто hoard up); тайно хранить
    1) временный забор вокруг строящегося здания
    2) щит для наклейки объявлений и афиш
    * * *
    1 (n) запас; запасы; скрытые запасы
    2 (v) запасать; запасти; копить; тезаврировать
    * * *
    1) запас 2) склад, скрытые запасы
    * * *
    [hɔrd /hɔːd] n. запас, временный забор вокруг строящегося здания, щит для наклейки объявлений и афиш v. запасать, копить, хранить
    * * *
    * * *
    I 1. сущ. 1) запас 2) склад, скрытые запасы (продовольствия и т. п.) 2. гл. запасать; копить, накоплять, хранить (часто hoard up); тайно хранить II сущ. 1) ограждение вокруг строящегося здания 2) стенд для объявлений и афиш

    Новый англо-русский словарь > hoard

  • 13 hoard

    [ho:d] 1. noun
    (a (sometimes hidden) store (of treasure, food etc): When she was supposed to be on a diet she secretly kept a hoard of potato crisps in a cupboard.) forði
    2. verb
    (to store up or keep large quantities of (something), often in secret: His mother told him to stop hoarding old newspapers.) safna saman; hamstra

    English-Icelandic dictionary > hoard

  • 14 hoard

    n. toplu haldeki mal, istif, stok, define
    v. toplamak, istif etmek, stoklamak, aklında tutmak
    * * *
    1. biriktir (v.) 2. istif et (v.) 3. istif (n.)
    * * *
    [ho:d] 1. noun
    (a (sometimes hidden) store (of treasure, food etc): When she was supposed to be on a diet she secretly kept a hoard of potato crisps in a cupboard.) istif, stok
    2. verb
    (to store up or keep large quantities of (something), often in secret: His mother told him to stop hoarding old newspapers.) istif etmek, stok yapmak

    English-Turkish dictionary > hoard

  • 15 hoard

    • rohmuta
    • varasto
    • aarre
    • aarrekätkö
    • ahnehtia
    • kasa
    • kerätä
    • kahmia
    • hamstrata
    • koota varastoon
    * * *
    ho:d 1. noun
    (a (sometimes hidden) store (of treasure, food etc): When she was supposed to be on a diet she secretly kept a hoard of potato crisps in a cupboard.) kätkö
    2. verb
    (to store up or keep large quantities of (something), often in secret: His mother told him to stop hoarding old newspapers.) kätkeä

    English-Finnish dictionary > hoard

  • 16 hoard

    [hɔːd] 1. n
    zapasy pl, zasoby pl
    2. vt
    * * *
    [ho:d] 1. noun
    (a (sometimes hidden) store (of treasure, food etc): When she was supposed to be on a diet she secretly kept a hoard of potato crisps in a cupboard.) zapas
    2. verb
    (to store up or keep large quantities of (something), often in secret: His mother told him to stop hoarding old newspapers.) gromadzić

    English-Polish dictionary > hoard

  • 17 hoard

    [ho:d] 1. noun
    (a (sometimes hidden) store (of treasure, food etc): When she was supposed to be on a diet she secretly kept a hoard of potato crisps in a cupboard.) (dārgumu, pārtikas u.tml.) slepens krājums
    2. verb
    (to store up or keep large quantities of (something), often in secret: His mother told him to stop hoarding old newspapers.) slepus uzkrāt/uzglabāt
    * * *
    apslēpta manta, slepens krājums; slepus uzkrāt

    English-Latvian dictionary > hoard

  • 18 hoard

    [ho:d] 1. noun
    (a (sometimes hidden) store (of treasure, food etc): When she was supposed to be on a diet she secretly kept a hoard of potato crisps in a cupboard.) atsargos, sankaupos
    2. verb
    (to store up or keep large quantities of (something), often in secret: His mother told him to stop hoarding old newspapers.) krauti, kaupti atsargas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > hoard

  • 19 hoard

    n. lager, förråd
    v. lagra, lägga i förråd
    * * *
    [ho:d] 1. noun
    (a (sometimes hidden) store (of treasure, food etc): When she was supposed to be on a diet she secretly kept a hoard of potato crisps in a cupboard.) förråd, lager
    2. verb
    (to store up or keep large quantities of (something), often in secret: His mother told him to stop hoarding old newspapers.) hamstra, spara, samla på hög

    English-Swedish dictionary > hoard

  • 20 hoard

    [ho:d] 1. noun
    (a (sometimes hidden) store (of treasure, food etc): When she was supposed to be on a diet she secretly kept a hoard of potato crisps in a cupboard.) zásoba
    2. verb
    (to store up or keep large quantities of (something), often in secret: His mother told him to stop hoarding old newspapers.) hromadit
    * * *
    • hromadit

    English-Czech dictionary > hoard

См. также в других словарях:

  • hoard — I noun accumulation, acervus, aggregation, amassment, cache, collection, copia, cumulation, fund, heap, mass, repository, reserves, riches, saving, stack, stock, stockpile, store, supply, treasure II verb accrue, accumulate, acquire, agglomerate …   Law dictionary

  • hoard´er — hoard «hrd, hohrd», verb, noun. –v.t. to save and store away: »The squirrel hoarded nuts for the winter. The miser hoarded his money. SYNONYM(S): treasure, amass, accumulate. –v.i. to save and store away money, goods, etc. –n. what is saved and… …   Useful english dictionary

  • hoard — ► NOUN 1) a store of money or valued objects. 2) an amassed store of useful information. ► VERB ▪ amass and hide or store away. DERIVATIVES hoarder noun. ORIGIN Old English …   English terms dictionary

  • hoard — ▪ I. hoard hoard 2 noun [countable] a store of money or goods kept to be used or sold in the future: • The company has a large cash hoard.   [m0] ▪ II. hoard hoard 1 [hɔːd ǁ hɔːrd] verb [transitive] to collect and save large amounts of something… …   Financial and business terms

  • hoard — I. noun Etymology: Middle English hord, from Old English; akin to Gothic huzd treasure, Old English hȳdan to hide Date: before 12th century a supply or fund stored up and often hidden away II. verb Date: before 12th century transitive verb 1. to …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • hoard — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun ADJECTIVE ▪ big, large, major, vast ▪ one of the biggest hoards of Roman coins ever found ▪ small ▪ cash …   Collocations dictionary

  • hoard — [[t]hɔ͟ː(r)d[/t]] hoards, hoarding, hoarded 1) VERB If you hoard things such as food or money, you save or store them, often in secret, because they are valuable or important to you. [V n] They ve begun to hoard food and gasoline and save their… …   English dictionary

  • hoard — I UK [hɔː(r)d] / US [hɔrd] noun [countable] Word forms hoard : singular hoard plural hoards a large amount of something that someone has saved or hidden somewhere II UK [hɔː(r)d] / US [hɔrd] verb [intransitive/transitive] Word forms hoard :… …   English dictionary

  • hoard — hoard1 [ hɔrd ] verb intransitive or transitive to get and keep a large amount of something because it might be valuable or useful later: Many people panicked and started hoarding food. ╾ hoard|er noun count hoard hoard 2 [ hɔrd ] noun count a… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • hoard — noun a store of money or valued objects. ↘an amassed store of useful information. verb amass and hide or store away. Derivatives hoarder noun Origin OE hord (n.), hordian (v.), of Gmc origin. Usage The words hoard and horde are sometimes confused …   English new terms dictionary

  • hoard — [OE] Etymologically, a hoard is ‘that which one hides’. The word comes from a prehistoric Germanic *khuzdam, which was derived from the same base as the verb hide. (Hoarding [19], incidentally, is not etymologically connected; it comes from an… …   The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins

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